Posted by Tom Paul on Apr 15, 2024
As part of our April 2024 Action Items, we have developed a process for tracking our alumni. This is part of the Strategy in Action Update April 2024.
Who Are Rotary Alumni?
For this action item, we define "alumni" as anyone who has previously engaged with our club in a formal capacity. This includes not only former members but also past exchange students (both inbound and outbound), Paul Harris Fellows, volunteers, sponsors, speakers, peace fellows, and others who have been involved with our activities.
Why Is This Important?

Maintaining a connection with our alumni is crucial as it enhances our ability to share our story and demonstrate the positive impact of Rotary on their lives. It also increases the likelihood of their re-engagement with Rotary activities. Keeping in touch is only possible if we know how to contact them.
How Will We Do This?
We will utilize ClubRunner, an existing tool, to log and manage details about our various alumni categories. By maintaining organized contact lists, we can communicate with alumni as needed. We encourage all alumni to follow us on our social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and to subscribe to our newsletter through an automatic signup form available here.