At our last assembly, we began our Strategy to Action activities. An outcome of the assembly was a list of 30-day action items to help us focus on. These bite-sized action items developed by the membership help guide our actions month by month. Here is an update on our progress. If there is an area of interest that you think you can help with, please reach out.
You can get a recap of the assembly and more information here.
Action Item 1: Increase our IMPACT
- List out every project/activity we do - completed
- Form a committee to review project structure + management - not started
Action Item 2: Increase our REACH
- Track Rotary alumni (past members, exchange students, etc.) - completed
- Get involved with Rotaract/Interact – maybe a community cleanup? - in-progress
Action Item 3: Enhanced participant ENGAGEMENT
- Figure out what "partnership" means for us, then find some partners - not started
- Plan an area-wide club meetup - in progress
Action Item 4: Increase our ability to ADAPT
- Recruit chairs and vice-chairs for next year's committees - in progress
- Regular updates on how projects are doing - in progress
Other items:
- Let's nail our current projects before taking on more (10 done awesomely is better than 20 done kinda okay).
- We could involve our regular volunteers in more stuff.