Did you know that our dedicated club members volunteer every month to make sandwiches for Souls Harbour and Joseph Howe School? We have a significant goal of preparing about 250 sandwiches monthly for Souls Harbour and 100 sandwiches weekly for Joseph Howe School. This commitment is a massive undertaking, and it's vital to our community. Many students at Joseph Howe rely on these meals, coming to school hungry and depending on the food we provide.
Unfortunately, we're currently facing a challenge: we urgently need more volunteers to help make these sandwiches. It's crucial that we meet this need to support these two important organizations.
Please note, the sandwiches for Joseph Howe School are financed by the club, while those for Souls Harbour are funded by club members. If you donate sandwiches to Souls Harbour, they will provide you with a tax receipt. They also welcome donations of fresh fruit.
We are calling on anyone with spare time to step forward. Your contribution can make a real difference. If you can help, please raise your hand to join our sandwich-making efforts. It's essential for us to fulfill our commitment to these organizations and the people they serve.
To volunteer or ask questions, please reach out to the respective leads:
- Souls Harbour - Paul Radford
- Joe Howe - Joelle Perkins