Posted by Tom Paul on Jun 14, 2024
On June 8, Clarke sent out the membership dues for the 2023/2024 Rotary Year. Members over 30 as of July 1 are charged $235, while those 30 and under are charged $195. If you plan to continue as a member of the Club on July 1, please pay your invoice via eTransfer or cheque at your earliest convenience. If you need a payment plan or have any concerns, please let Clarke know ASAP.

If you’re unsure about continuing with the club or have decided not to, please inform Clarke as well. We get charged by Rotary International for any member on our list on July 1, so to avoid unnecessary expenses, we will remove members from our list who haven’t advised us of their intentions or made a payment by late June.

Life can get busy, and it's easy to forget to let us know your plans. Please don’t stress. If we remove you from our membership list, reactivating your membership is quick and simple, even if you change your mind later. We want our club to be something you enjoy and that fits well with your life.

If you have any questions about our dues, feel free to check out our information page here or email