Board Meeting
Rotary Club of Halifax Harbourside
Halifax Harbourside Rotary Club Board Meeting Minutes
Date & time: Nov 16, 2011, 7:30 am
Location: Redwood Grill, Lacewood Drive, Halifax, NS
Attendees: Louisa, Bonnie, Adrienne, Evelina, Adam, Valerie
Minutes: Action Responsible
Minutes of September meeting approved.
1. Club Administration Some updates were done on Club Runner last evening Louisa/Adam
by Gail. Still a number of items to be posted. Discussion
about asking club members if they have kids who might
assist with Club Runner. Bonnie offered to help.
2. Fellowship Games Night at Ian’s home on Sun, Nov 20 Barb
3. Membership Andrew is unable to lead this committee due to work Adam
commitments. Adam will have a meeting tonight &
will chair for this year. A suggestion was made to get
one of our members into the Fusion group.
Various ideas brainstormed for potential events to encourage
potential members…invite military folks.
Encourage staff to wear pins at all times.
4. Vocational JA involvement will happen soon.
5. Community Discussion around the need for a local Signature
Project. Bonnie has an idea which she will propose.
Val also has a project in mind. Adrienne has the PALS program.
How should we assess community needs?
Discussion Café of community leaders, RFP, etc.?
Need Criteria for the Signature Project to be developed. Louisa/
This will be discussed at next Assembly early in 2012 Bonnie
Hands on school project. Follow up with Tripta/Ian Louisa
6. International On target. Next meeting , Nov 18. Adam
District request for $ assistance for buses for Cameroon
7. New Generations Youth Exchange: Natalia, our student would like to attend our mtgs.
Hilary has done several sessions on Exchange at schools.
There are 3 strong applicants for next year’s exchange
Interviews on Dec 5. Scott and Bonnie will do them.
Interact: Team met yesterday. Wants to do a fellowship activitiy,
Have a plan to sell hand knitted mittens they will be given.
Rotarian magazine had article on fluoride in water causing deformities
that can be fixed with a $44 filter - Is this something the interact club
will consider? Discussion about a ‘Water walk’ as a fundraising opportunity.
Consider water issues for First Nations Communities too.
8. Fundraising Adrienne and Adam will meet to discuss information on
Mom’s Day Brunch
9. Foundation Discussion on contacting members directly to discuss Adrienne
contribution options
10. Other 2 Pull up banners being designed for use in HRM
Need to get cards to give out for PR and information on Rotary
Nominations needed for AGM – first meeting in December Valerie