We are excited to open applications to send a student to Adventures in Citizenship in Ottawa this May. This is an amazing program, and there's more info about it below. Please share the information below with any students you know aged 16-18 - including your own kids!
Halifax Harbour Rotary Club is excited to once again be sending a student to Ottawa to participate in the Rotary Adventures in Citizenship Program! This exciting program will take place May 14 to May 17, 2023, in Ottawa, and the costs are fully sponsored by the Rotary Club of Halifax Harbour. You can read all about it here.
Applications are now open for this program, and we’re looking for students who are excited to explore what Canadian citizenship means, are community-minded, demonstrate strong leadership, and are in excellent academic standing. Participants must be between the ages of 16 and 18 on the start date of the program.
To apply you must submit a brief bio demonstrating how you meet these criteria (a 1.5 minute video or no more than 200 written words) and a 500 word essay or 3 minute video answering the question "What does being a Canadian Citizen mean?” by 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 16. Interviews for shortlisted participants will happen virtually on the evening of Tuesday, March 21. Applications or questions can be submitted to alexandra.russell@ hubinternational.com .