Posted by Tom Paul on Nov 24, 2023
To help encourage engagement with members who are unable to attend meetings, we have created quick links to quickly watch highlights of Rotary Meetings. Unfortunately we had a wifi issue for our most recent recording which caused some quality issues.
00:00 Land acknowledgement
00:50 Welcome guests
01:35 Rotary Minute - Rotary Foundation
04:05 International Toast - Outbound Exchange Student
06:55 AGM - approval of the agenda
08:45 AGM - approval of minutes from the last AGM
12:25 Happy Bucks
21:00 Business update - Update from District Governor
23:45 Business update - Fundraising Pitch Night
26:00 Business update - Christmas Hampers, Salvation Army, Christmas Gifts
27:20 Business update - Festive International Potluck
31:20 Board elections
44:35 - Financial update
54:30 - Charitable Trust