Pole dancing... roses... flying hats...latex gloves on the head and spinning plates. Not just another meeting.
Posted by Adam MacKinnon
on Sep 30, 2011
Vivienne facilitated the sharing of happiness – here are a few of the gems:
Murray was happy about the Car Rally last weekend (Harbourside’s three cars did not make it into the winner’s circle... even with a former winner navigating in one car, we lost!) – it was great fun. Paul Radford and Stella, Murray and Val, Louisa and her husband all enjoyed the event – Murray suggested that we might launch a class-action suit against the organizers for some very tricky instructions. A team from the new Sackville Club won the right to wear the winners’ vests for the next year and the New Minas Club took home the trophy, again............
Murray was happy about the Car Rally last weekend (Harbourside’s three cars did not make it into the winner’s circle... even with a former winner navigating in one car, we lost!) – it was great fun. Paul Radford and Stella, Murray and Val, Louisa and her husband all enjoyed the event – Murray suggested that we might launch a class-action suit against the organizers for some very tricky instructions. A team from the new Sackville Club won the right to wear the winners’ vests for the next year and the New Minas Club took home the trophy, again............
Vivienne facilitated the sharing of happiness – here are a few of the gems:
Murray was happy about the Car Rally last weekend (Harbourside’s three cars did not make it into the winner’s circle... even with a former winner navigating in one car, we lost!) – it was great fun. Paul Radford and Stella, Murray and Val, Louisa and her husband all enjoyed the event – Murray suggested that we might launch a class-action suit against the organizers for some very tricky instructions. A team from the new Sackville Club won the right to wear the winners’ vests for the next year and the New Minas Club took home the trophy, again.
Paul Roy was happy about being whisked away by Stella for a surprise weekend of romance at Fox Point.
Valerie was happy to be heading for the centre of the universe, St. FX.
Scott was happy to be at the meeting, and sorry to have been called away to Toronto over Rose Day.
Various women were happy about last Sunday’s women’s membership event – pictures may become available...at a price. The dancing was fun – there were poles involved! It was great to meet some women from other clubs – a sequel is being planned.
We welcomed and toasted Barb’s friend, Donna, as a guest today as well as Willie Badger, Edutainer and Kidpreneur facilitator, our speaker.
Louisa reminded everyone that our next meeting will be our first Wednesday afternoon meeting – Wednesday the 5th at 5:30 at the Comfort Inn in Bayers Lake. She also thanked everyone for their participation in Rose Day – Chris is our star seller with about 70 dozen – and he delivered even more than that! There are leftovers – and a few more deliveries to do today. We will know the results after Valerie compiles the sales information.
Louisa also reported that the first meeting of the Oxford School Interact Club took place yesterday. They identified officers and decided that the full group will meet every second Tuesday and the Board will meet the other Tuesdays. There were over 20 students in attendance and there may be more to come! Dal Rotaract students have agreed to help with the new club and we will need Club members to participate as well. A BBQ is planned for Thursday, October 20th when the DG visits.
Paul reported that our exchange student is in PEI for an orientation – all is well with her and it is time to start thinking about next year!
Our speaker was delightful - Willie explained how his career evolved from acting and performing as a clown to working for over a decade in a Scottish Castle Theme Park in Japan! He returned to Canada and chose Halifax as his new home about a year ago. He has partnered with the author of the children’s book, KidPreneur, and he has created a show to teach young people of ages 7-12 about entrepreneurship. He has performed at elementary schools and the library – and he has worked with Logan McGillivray! It seemed amazing to have so many laughs so early on a Friday morning, but Willie brought on the laughter with his hat tricks and stories. He even engaged Clarke in a plate spinning trick! Clarke has so many hidden talents – and a few secrets – such as that yesterday was his birthday! For his finale, Willie demonstrated his version of the Seinfeld latex glove trick... it was a great start to the day.
Barb unsuccessfully picked a card from the deck - the 50-50 jackpot grows again! We left this interesting breakfast after toasting Rotary around the world.
Murray was happy about the Car Rally last weekend (Harbourside’s three cars did not make it into the winner’s circle... even with a former winner navigating in one car, we lost!) – it was great fun. Paul Radford and Stella, Murray and Val, Louisa and her husband all enjoyed the event – Murray suggested that we might launch a class-action suit against the organizers for some very tricky instructions. A team from the new Sackville Club won the right to wear the winners’ vests for the next year and the New Minas Club took home the trophy, again.
Paul Roy was happy about being whisked away by Stella for a surprise weekend of romance at Fox Point.
Valerie was happy to be heading for the centre of the universe, St. FX.
Scott was happy to be at the meeting, and sorry to have been called away to Toronto over Rose Day.
Various women were happy about last Sunday’s women’s membership event – pictures may become available...at a price. The dancing was fun – there were poles involved! It was great to meet some women from other clubs – a sequel is being planned.
We welcomed and toasted Barb’s friend, Donna, as a guest today as well as Willie Badger, Edutainer and Kidpreneur facilitator, our speaker.
Louisa reminded everyone that our next meeting will be our first Wednesday afternoon meeting – Wednesday the 5th at 5:30 at the Comfort Inn in Bayers Lake. She also thanked everyone for their participation in Rose Day – Chris is our star seller with about 70 dozen – and he delivered even more than that! There are leftovers – and a few more deliveries to do today. We will know the results after Valerie compiles the sales information.
Louisa also reported that the first meeting of the Oxford School Interact Club took place yesterday. They identified officers and decided that the full group will meet every second Tuesday and the Board will meet the other Tuesdays. There were over 20 students in attendance and there may be more to come! Dal Rotaract students have agreed to help with the new club and we will need Club members to participate as well. A BBQ is planned for Thursday, October 20th when the DG visits.
Paul reported that our exchange student is in PEI for an orientation – all is well with her and it is time to start thinking about next year!
Our speaker was delightful - Willie explained how his career evolved from acting and performing as a clown to working for over a decade in a Scottish Castle Theme Park in Japan! He returned to Canada and chose Halifax as his new home about a year ago. He has partnered with the author of the children’s book, KidPreneur, and he has created a show to teach young people of ages 7-12 about entrepreneurship. He has performed at elementary schools and the library – and he has worked with Logan McGillivray! It seemed amazing to have so many laughs so early on a Friday morning, but Willie brought on the laughter with his hat tricks and stories. He even engaged Clarke in a plate spinning trick! Clarke has so many hidden talents – and a few secrets – such as that yesterday was his birthday! For his finale, Willie demonstrated his version of the Seinfeld latex glove trick... it was a great start to the day.
Barb unsuccessfully picked a card from the deck - the 50-50 jackpot grows again! We left this interesting breakfast after toasting Rotary around the world.