Ansha has been a member of the Rotary Club of Halifax Harbour for 13 months. She works as an insurance broker, supporting commercial small business. She joined Rotary shortly after beginning her professional journey in the corporate world.
“I was always involved with service clubs and boards when I was in high school. A Halifax Rotarian reached out to me to see if I would be interested in joining.
“My favourite part is to go out and do things, like help make sandwiches for the lunch program at Joseph Howe Elementary School in Halifax. It’s fun to work with the school staff, who will stop you and say “no, no, no…this student likes the sandwich cut that way.” This is the subtle impact Rotary can have. To know that a kid is not going to be distracted in class by hunger and able to focus because they’ve been fed.
“As a younger Rotarian, new to my career, being an international person, the Rotary Club of Halifax Harbour is a safe space. You’re made to feel welcome, and people ask you welcoming questions.
“I’ve gotten mentorship out of Rotary, and friendship. People are going to invite you to their dinner party. Our ears are always open for how to help another member: ‘I know someone who can do that for you.’
After graduating from university, you can feel a bit lost. I felt new to the corporate world of Halifax. Rotary gave me the ability to grow a new grownup network. Even if you don’t know what it is you’re looking for, Rotary is a beautiful place to get started. It’s a beautiful space to discover something new about yourself.”