Rotary Club of Halifax Harbourside

Business Meeting Minutes

Sep 23, 2011, 7:30 am - Westin Hotel, Halifax, NS


Why are we happy today?

Gerry: sold the Miata

Stella: gave Paul a surprise trip to Fox Harbour last weekend which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Peter: pleasure of standing beside Barb while she led us and harmonized O Canada this morning!..........

Rotary Club of Halifax Harbourside

Business Meeting Minutes

Sep 23, 2011, 7:30 am - Westin Hotel, Halifax, NS


Why are we happy today?

Gerry: sold the Miata

Stella: gave Paul a surprise trip to Fox Harbour last weekend which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Peter: pleasure of standing beside Barb while she led us and harmonized O Canada this morning!

Paul Radford: Hockey tryouts for his son… successful with the right level of participation to not have the “over-the-top” parents!

Barb: highlight of her past week was meeting Rick Hansen at the Terry Fox Run and the success of the Run.                     


RI Presentation:

Adrienne reviewed the benefits of RI and encouraged members to donate regularly, e.g., yearly, ¼ly, or monthly . We will have a short RI presentation regularly throughout the year.




Barb kindly accepted the Chair’s role while Sharon is on leave.  Good luck to Car Rally teams tomorrow! Reminder of Women’s Membership event at “Ready to Rumba” on Sun, 3-5pm. Come and bring friends and a small tray of treats.

Bylaws review

Ongoing activity. Paul Radford will advise on progress at Business meetings

Change in Venue and time for some meetings in Oct and Nov

WEDNESDAY Oct 5: Comfort Hotel, 88 Chain Lake Drive @ 5:30 pm

FRIDAY Oct 14: Comfort Hotel, 88 Chain Lake Drive @ 7:30 am

WEDNESDAY Nov 9: Comfort Hotel, 88 Chain Lake Drive @ 5:30 pm (this meeting will replace the one for Nov 11)



Rose Day

·        Some challenges with space: no electricity for cooling; no set tub for water; carpeted flooring, but solutions to each were discussed and all should work out well.

·        Clarke will print instructions for care of the roses.  We would like to have a bookmark with Rotary logo to add to the packaging.  Louisa will ask Gayle about this.

·        Some challenges with the website identified. Buyers found they couldn’t get the order completed.

·        Valerie encouraged everyone to push sales in the next week.

Interact Club     

First meeting of the Interact Club on Thurs next week.  Dalhousie Rotoract will assist with the students              


Tripta suggested that speakers should have a full 30 minutes for their presentation and the members agreed.



Our members will impersonate one another at our business meeting  for learning and entertainment purposes.

Vivienne provided a great impersonation of Bob Lanchashire, enlightening us about his life and his many accomplishments.  She looked great in the Naval jacket.


Next Business Meeting - Date: Oct 21:  The District Governor will attend our next business meeting, so the next impersonators, Chris and Adrienne, will do their impersonations in November.