Today was a very busy day at Rotary. It was a great business meeting.

Louisa was the Sergeant of Arms and asked everyone what 3 days were celebrated this past week. Everyone knew St. Patrick's Day, some guessed The Ides of March......but how many knew that Monday had been PI Day? Well Louisa knew, and she soon told us about her regular gas station attendant who knows PI to 100 numbers.
Today was a very busy day at Rotary. It was a great business meeting.

Louisa was the Sergeant of Arms and asked everyone what 3 days were celebrated this past week. Everyone knew St. Patrick's Day, some guessed The Ides of March......but how many knew that Monday had been PI Day? Well Louisa knew, and she soon told us about her regular gas station attendant who knows PI to 100 numbers.

There was lots of Media fines this week and a few Happy Bucks. Paul told us an interesting yet sad story about a memory game that started in Rome a few thousand years ago. Apparently the lone survivor of a huge fire was able to remember everyone who died in the fire by going from room to room in his head and counting all the people. This lead people to understand that that is how you remember, by compartmentalizing things.

Tripta was also fined as somebody noticed that her new car was now dirty (we are pretty sure that she told us that it would never be dirty).

So then it was time to get down to business. Murray showed some of our newer members our banners, our own and some banners we have received from visiting Rotarian's. We discussed sewing all of our banners on a large banner to display for visitors.

We also discussed the upcoming RAH and the upcoming Assembly. The Rotary After Hours is going to be on April 6th at 5:30, place to be determined. On April 20th we are going to have our Assembly.

Our district has been approached by Atlantic Path to be a sponsor club. The motion was passed and we are going to become a sponsor club and help with administering the study.

We also passed a motion to use some of our budget to send a Shelter Box to Japan. We also spoke about possibly purchasing another with donations from the club members.

Karen spoke about the auction. We need more Auction items! If we have Aeroplan miles they would be greatly appreciated. Let's see what we can get for Karen and Phil and let's sell as many tickets as we can!

Adrienne spoke about the Brunch. We have an opportunity to use larger screens for a video presentation. It looks like a great opportunity to promote the club and show people what we support so that they will be encouraged to bid.

In the next month there will be meetings for both the fund raising committee and the International committee.

The next while is a very busy time for Rotary. It is truly the best time of year for Rotary, when we can go out and do the work that we joined the club for. It is very exciting!

The 50/50 didn't go, the pot continues to build.